Getting free cad part designs online... the truth

After seeing this Milking machine part pneumatic cylinder available online 

from that we needed and finding it was as easy as ordering the part online I went whoa theres money in these hills & on for free?

I thought have mechanical engineers gone as daft as the software engineers on, unfortunately for the rest of us the race to the bottom isn't as far down for mech engineers as software engineers yet.

3d print moulds on and and make millions you might think unfortunately not.

As was explained to me by my cousin a cad expert.

Hi DJ Máiríde here. Generally they only have housings or outside shapes ón motors and cylinders. The main reason for no internal workings is because in large machines with thousands of parts it makes file big and slow! Same with threads on bolts. Need a large graphic care when theres 3000 plus bolts in 1 assembly. In work we generally dont make moving assemblys so no internal parts are really needed. I use grabcad and part community for models made by other designers.  misumi uk and smc are good for getting standard off the shelf  parts, sizes configured by you! Hope that helps.


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